Simplifying complexity
The capability and performance of a modern warship is to a large extent defined by the onboard combat system.
9LV CS comprises some of the world’s most advanced systems and technologies. It makes the complexity work on board ships, in crowded and confined areas, where people are under high pressure and where things can go from dead calm to dead serious in less than a blink of an eye.
Saab’s 9LV Naval Combat System (9LV CS) solution combined with a proven track record as a combat system integrator and prime contractor put that ambition within reach for any new vessel, as well as mid-life upgrades.
The 9LV combat system team has captured the know-how required and applies it to each specific project. Key areas such as risk management requires prior experience and an understanding of the customer’s environment. These are essential for the development of a trusted relationship between Saab and the customer.
Saab has a history of successful partnerships and leading roles in many naval combat system programmes. We have worked with dedicated partners and sub-suppliers in almost all aspects of naval warfare.
Within a well-balanced combat system, proven and successful integration of third party products is continuously achieved, such as:
- Tactical Data Links (TDL) using multi-TDL processors from several different suppliers
- Radio communications from several radio manufacturers
- Surface-to-Surface Missiles (SSMs) from several different suppliers
- Surface-to-Air Missiles (SAMs) from leading suppliers
- Naval guns of many different calibres
- Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) weapons and sub-surface sensors from leading suppliers
- Radar sensors for surveillance and fire control in applications with different requirements than Saab’s proprietary solutions
The cornerstone of a successful Saab naval combat system is the use of 9LV CMS as an enabler. The system development has progressed to an increasing focus on the ability to integrate different equipment. The 9LV CMS architecture and design allow the ship’s local area network and associated hardware, software and services to extend to all computer equipment on board. This reduces cost and waste, as system capabilities can be shared between subsystems.